Friday, January 1, 2016

Wish List

Be brave enough to break your own heart.
You can't ride to the fair unless you get on the pony.
Keep walking.
Acceptance is a small, quiet room.
Romantic love is not a competitive sport.
Forward is the direction of real life.
Ask yourself: What is the best I can do? 
And then do that.
~Cheryl Strayed

Happy New Year! 

These are a few of my wishes for us all:

  • See your life as a miraculous gift that only you can open and discover. 
  • Be willing to try something entirely new this year and let go of how you think it should turn out.
  • Offer generous doses of kindness to yourself and learn to take your own hand in friendship.
  • Do less of what exhausts you. Rest more.
  • Embrace simplicity and stand in the strength of your true worth.
  • Exercise your imagination. Express yourself. Use anything and everything available to you in the moment. Make it yours.
  • Surround yourself with people who want more for you than you can conceive of on your own.
  • Listen for the voice in you that gently urges and patiently persists. That's the one to follow.
  • Make your own rules. Then bend them.
  • Find or create a practice or ritual that nourishes your soul. Do it everyday.
  • Keep your eyes on your own paper. In other words: resist the temptation to second guess your life by comparing it to that of another. Become more interested in what you have and do something to make it a little more beautiful.
  • Seek to remain insatiable and stay curious about everything. Shine a light on the questions that live like seeds of secret wonder in your own fertile heart. Give them the space to grow.
  • Host regular and frequent dance parties wherever you reside and remember to celebrate the immense good fortune that you've been given.
  • At the very least, look up and say "thank you" three times a day.

May all of your deepest wishes be granted in the days ahead!