Monday, June 2, 2014

The Whole Picture

The timing of this month's post happens to be in sync with the completion of my two year journey to earning my Master's degree in Transpersonal Psychology! 

It's official--I'm done. 

Over the course of the last month I have been busy finishing up my final thesis paper on creativity and healing and creating my portfolio which highlights my experience and passion. I have been amazed to see how all of the pieces have fit together to create a complete picture of who I am and what I have to offer the world. Of course all endings are arbitrary, as we are in a constant state of evolution, but for now I feel a sense of wholeness and peace.

My deepest desire is to share what I have learned. I hope to support others in their unique journey to becoming whole. I am excited to expand my professional offering to include individual life coaching/personal healing sessions along with group workshops to teach and explore themes in transpersonal psychology, creative process and self-discovery. 

I plan on taking the summer "off" to rest and digest, to be with my family, attempt to cook meals again, read fiction, make messes in my home art studio, and spend less time in the virtual world and more in the actual one. I'll be creating space for my next adventure. I'm already working on putting together my first workshops that I hope to roll out by September. So stay tuned! In the meantime please check out my portfolio and share it with anyone who you think may resonate. I am profoundly grateful to all that have supported my metamorphosis--especially my family, my mentors, and fellow students who have given me one the greatest gifts with regard to personal transformation--a reminder that we cannot, and are not meant to, make this journey alone.

With gratitude and appreciation for all of you. . . .

Here's to seeing the whole picture of your own beautiful life and being inspired!


  1. I will continue to follow your journey of soul & heart, to cheer you on, & to learn from your beautiful presence my friend.......

    1. Thank you sweet soul sister…you have been and will continue to be an integral part of my journey…xo
