Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Back to School

For several years I have been dreaming of going back to school.  I have been mostly home raising children for the past six years and although I am grateful for the challenge and the privilege of being a stay at home mama, I have been desperate for the kind of stimulation that ensues from learning and exchanging ideas.  I have been on a trajectory of self-discovery for most of my adult life, so I knew that I would need something that would support that kind of inquiry and discussion.  I love the study and practice of yoga and spirituality and am passionate about the mind/body/heart interplay.  The work in the world that I am most interested in is that which helps people transform into their greatest selves.  For me, going back to school to study Transpersonal Psychology is the perfect next step in my evolution.  And better yet, I can study and learn in an on-line forum that provides the flexibility of still being on the home front with my kids.  I enrolled in the Global Masters Program at Sofia University (formerly The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology).  www.sofia.edu

So what exactly is transpersonal psychology?  It is an integrative/holistic perspective that includes behavioral, cognitive and humanistic paradigms in addition to a spiritual perspective that has heretofore been absent in many therapeutic models of psychotherapy.  Psychology as understood from its Greek root psyche (soul) is, essentially, the study of the soul.  When we view our lives (including our dysfunction) from this perspective the possibility to heal becomes a matter of not just how we behave or what we think, but also (vitally) our state and level of consciousness.  And we know from the ancient wisdom traditions that our connection to consciousness is the path to health and well being in the greatest sense.  Ultimately "transpersonal" is an experience of ourselves and our lives as multi-dimensional beings created with a purpose. The path is the discovery of our true Self.

I recently returned from the opening seminar of the program in California. The theme of the week was "The Call To Adventure In A Time Of Change And Possibility." Inherent in the transpersonal approach is an emphasis not only on study but also personal practice and application to our everyday life experiences. Over sixty of us gathered from all over the world in response to a deeper call to live in congruence with our soul longing. It was a powerfully transformative experience that has already begun to alter my life in ways I can not yet completely understand. During the week I came to terms with the fact that I need to dedicate this next year of my life to this process of change and creating the space necessary for the emergence of what is longing to be expressed in my life. It is time again for me to really work on myself so that when the time comes, I might be given the honor to help others in the same way. Nothing excites me more than exploring what is possible when we are willing to let go of our limitations and live the adventure that is our authentic calling. 

So this is what I'll be up to for the next two years!  Pictured above are just a few of the books I will be reading in this first semester--truly it is like Christmas each day I open the mailbox and find another book I can't wait to read waiting for me.  I look forward to sharing my insights, inspirations and challenges here and welcome your questions and comments.   

Yours with sharpened pencils,


  1. Nicely written and wonderful insights into what brought you to the transpersonal psychology graduate program Jenny. It is so confirming to hear and read so many similar stories, from so many fellow students from so many different backgrounds, all united on a similar path of education and personal development. I have witnessed so much joy and satisfaction from fellow students, including myself, who feel and express a sense of familiarity, a sense of certainty that we are on the Right Path. At this stage we have now all passed through the doorway towards our future’s, paused, looked around and discovered many new friends standing next to us, also waiting to take that next step, wherever it may lead us. At first we will all walk together learning and experiencing new ways of thinking, feeling, living and seeing the world around us. As we move forward on this journey some of us will soar off in our own directions, but still towards a similar destination of living a more fulfilled, joyous, satisfying, rewarding, healthy and bliss-filled life. A destination, a goal that is actually not a destination or a goal. We will never really get there, it will always be one step ahead of us and that is when we may realize with clarity and certainty that it was, and is, the journey itself which is the source of our fulfilled, joyous, satisfying, rewarding and bliss-filled lives. I look forward to being a part of everyone’s own journey, as I also seek out where this journey will take me.

    "When you’re on a journey, and the end keeps getting further and further away, then you realize that the real end is the journey." (Graf Durckheim)

    1. So glad we are on the journey together, Johnny!
