Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Survival Trap

There are far too many survivors in this world.  By that, I don't mean to undermine those who are battling some disease and fighting for their life, but rather to highlight the truth that many of us have become content with survival and have lost sight of what it is to THRIVE.  Thriving is being open to experiencing yourself more fully and to live in wonder at what is possible for you now.  But first, tell the truth about why you have chosen apathy over living your deepest desires.  Usually some fear will be uncovered and that fear is a doorway to freedom.  Go through it in any way and with any means available.  Just do it.

Once on the other side ask: What brings me alive?  In what circumstances do I feel most free and at peace?  I have come to see that everything in our lives, even the pain and difficulty, is a call for us to awaken to our soul--to the call of our spirit to live more fully within what is possible for us in any given moment.  Be gentle as you awaken to your essential nature, it can be tiring for the body and mind to be so luminous.  Be generous with those around you who are awakening in their way and in their time, it is easy to slip into judgement when you feel "more enlightened."  Most of all, try to be grateful for where you are and what you have now and be present to the truth that you are free and you are alive and all is well.

"Don't ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."  Howard Thurman